Lockdown Resources
At Cricket Green we are committed to enabling students to learn throughout the Covid-19
pandemic. This includes when pupils may be required to self-isolate or shield at home.
In line with the ‘temporary continuity direction’, our remote/home learning plans have been
made with our pupils and their families in mind and we believe that this strategy works best for
the children and young people at Cricket Green School.
We know that every child at Cricket Green School is unique and that they have a range of
individual needs. As a result, we are not rigid in stipulating the requirements for remote/home
learning but want to engage with parents/carers and learners about what works in the best
interest of each child and young person and their family, in the home environment.
We appreciate that our pupils find the disruption to their routine challenging and this can be
upsetting for them and their families and therefore remote/home learning takes a variety of
arrangements in various formats and media availability.
To support the continuity of learning we are providing pupils and parents/carers with personalised learning packs and access to Google Classroom; a safe and secure platform which enables all of our families to access blended daily work and maintain contact with their class teacher and peers. All learning activities are personalised to the individual pupils’ abilities and targets that they are working towards whilst at Cricket Green School. Remote / home learning is reflective of the pupil’s outcomes and the aims of our creative curriculum programme being followed.
Aside from Google Classroom, we have a vast selection of work available online for pupils to access, grouped by class to make it easier to navigate. Click the tabs below to view.
These resources will be available until the end of this school year.
Parent testimonial:
"Home-learning has been great for Yahya. It is certainly more structured than last time.
Packs are given on a Thursday/Friday with work for the following week. The same work is also uploaded on google classroom. A zoom meeting is held daily by the teacher allocating work for the morning. Another zoom is held at 11.30 for afternoon work. The kids can chat to one another and see each other via zoom. Each Monday I’ve been contacted my Trina (Yahya’s teacher) asking for feedback or offering any additional support from her end. The process so far has been flawless.
The kids also play fun games (which I’ve also enjoyed) such as guess who and the many scavenger hunts! My girls particularly have a bee- in-their bonnet as they have no such fun during their school learning. None of the children are allowed to see each other. This has caused enormous resentment and jealousy in this house!"