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Summer School 2021

In July 2021 we were able to run a Summer School here at Cricket Green for 2 weeks 

and 19 pupils took up the offer! This number was comprised of children with differing needs representing the breadth of ethnicity at school, and those on pupil premium.


Pupils were split into 3 groups: Yr 7, Yr8/9 and a KS4 group that were transitioning to the

6th Form.

Yr 7, 8 and 9 spent the 2 weeks focusing on work surrounding a book called

'21 Elephants: Still Standing'.

KS4 focused on Life Skills units that made up for work missed during lockdown.

The two weeks covered aspects of enchrichment, social opportunities, sport, literacy, numeracy, art, music and dance, and feedback from pupils was all very positive!

Check out the photos below!

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