Pupil Council
Members of our Pupil Council (MPCs)
About the Pupil Council:
The main aims of the School Council are to improve Cricket Green School for the pupils, students, parents and staff.
There are four ways in which the School Council is used to do this:
We aim to embed the pupils’ and young people’s human rights in our ethos and culture. We use our school council as the vehicle in which to explore learning ‘about’, ‘through’ and ‘for’ rights. Every year we link this work to Rights Respecting schools work and dedicate a curriculum day to explore child rights education (CRE).
We use the school council to model Citizenship and develop key British values so that everyone feels equal and has an understanding of what it means to be a positive and responsible part of a cohesive community.
School Improvement
The School Council come together to discuss ways in which the school can improve. These ideas and opinions are discussed in class during circle times. The School Council is integral to positive school change, they are also consulted regarding key issues in school, such as school meals and the recruitment. A representative meets with governors to discuss developments.
Pupil voice
We believe that all stakeholders should have a voice. The School Council is used to design and monitor the process in which pupils’ opinions are regularly heard in a personalised and meaningful way. Every year we have a ‘Pupil Voice Day’ in which we look through the “eyes of the pupils” to gain a deeper insight into their experiences at Cricket Green and the communities in which they live in.
Pupil Council Annual Calendar 22-23
The Pupil council will review the current observation checklist.
The pupil council will support the school in their review of teaching & Learning. This year the theme was ‘Settling Back into School Life.’
The Pupil Council will represent the school for Remembrance Day at the Mitcham cenotaph on the 11thNovember.
Lunch times
The Pupil Council will review lunch time provision inclusive of lunch clubs.
The Pupil Council will be exploring school life ‘Through The Eyes Of The Child’ in a series of radio/podcast shows.
In March we will be holding our ‘Pupil Council Day’. This year we will be working with our Rights Respecting Schools committee to explore the UNCRC articles. Each class across the school will look in-depth at a chosen article and present their work on these. You will be able to see some of this work in detail on our website.
The Pupil Council will help to review the quality of education (Teaching & Learning) and the new lunch time provision.
MPCs will be approaching the end of their term. We will celebrate their work in short videos ready to show at our annual Cinema event.
March Updates:
Through The Eyes of the Child
‘Through The Eyes Of The Child,’ is a series of podcasts exploring our pupils’ thoughts, feelings, perspectives and attitudes about school life. During this Pupil Council Project, we have invited pupils across the school to join our host to answer questions and discuss life at Cricket Green School. Our aim is to capture creative, honest, wise insights through a child centred lens. We hope you enjoy this series and please feel free to add comments!
January 2023 Updates:
Last term the Pupil Council met to review our 'lunch time club' offer. The Council conducted a KS3-KS5 lunch time survey and ICT, Movie, Dance, Animal Care and Singing were voted for as the most popular choices.
This term we are pleased to announce that we now have all of these clubs running at lunch time for our secondary & 6th form aged pupils. A big thank you to the Pupil Council and staff for working hard to support the pupils' views.
Pupils views
You said you wanted more clubs at lunch times
What we did
We have now opened 5 new clubs at lunch times of your choice
November 2022 Updates:
Remembrance Day
On Friday the 11.11.22, our Pupil Council went to the Cenotaph in Mitcham to pay our respects to those affected by war.
We joined students from the local area, fire, police and ambulance servicemen as well as ex-serviceman from WW2.
The Deputy Lord Mayor of Mitcham led a service of thanks and reflection then we laid a wreath of behalf of the pupils at CGS.
It was an honour to take part in this community event, Lest We Forget.
Lunchtime Activities
At CGS, members of our Pupil Council (MPCs) meet once every half term to support with topics related to school development.
This half term we are working with Daisy & Lara Mae, our Leisure Council Ministers, to increase the number of activities we can offer at lunch times for pupils across the school; we promise to add four new activities to our lunch time list by January 2023. Our Pupil Council discussed ideas and drafted a list of new lunch time clubs that they would like.
Classes will discuss the clubs and vote for the ones they want to attend in the new Spring term. We will update you with the outcome by the end of this term!
Here is what will happen over next few weeks…
Stage 1
Pupil Council meet Discuss ideas A draft list is agreed. √
Stage 2
Pupil Council present the draft to their classes to discuss Pupils vote for their top 4 favourite choices the votes are counted.
Stage 3
The Leisure Minister announces the result in whole school assembly
Stage 4
Senior leaders arrange for the clubs to run from January 2023.
Here is a list of clubs that have made the first draft, we have tried to give pupils a range of options:
Indoor Clubs
ICT Games club Movie club
Playground outdoor clubs
Gardening club Animal Club
Sports clubs
Basketball club Dodgeball club
Arts Clubs
Dance club Singing Club
October Updates:
At CGS, members of our Pupil Council (MPCs) meet at least once every half term to support with topics related to school development.
This term, we have invited members to support us with our observations and review of Teaching and Learning across the school.
Pupils joined governors in our Teaching and Learning committee and observed lessons with them using the Pupil Council observation checklist.
Here is a brief look at how we reviewed the quality of our Teaching and Learning in autumn 1.
The leadership team conducted observations with Middle leaders and therapists
Our pupil council joined governors in another round of observations
The findings were shared and used to draft actions for our school development plan.
Parents were asked to complete surveys on how the start of the year has been for their child.